There are a lot of resources on the web providing you with free pictures and images that you can use for your blog or website. For many of those resources, exactly how and in what manner you can use the images provided, is not clearly defined.
While you probably will not run into any legal issues even if you misuse the images, why would you want to run the risk when you can find sites in which the terms of use are clearly defined. Besides, you won't like it when somebody misuses your images, right?
I have found the following sites with plenty of images, with clearly defined terms of use. Unless your needs are rather specific, I am quite sure that the images in the following sites will more than adequate for your needs:
PD Photo - Thousands of photos in the public domain. - Contains 5,000 photos and 8,000 cliparts in the public domain. But do be careful if the image contains logos or products or if there is a recognizable person or persons on it. - All images are offered at no cost and royalty free. If you want to use it on your website, you will need to include a link back, or purchase a higher resolution version. As the photographer, you can sell your photos here as well.
Stock.XCHNG - Nearly 400,000 quality stock photos by more than 30.000 photographers. Free for most uses although some restrictions might apply to certain photos.
EveryStockPhoto - This site is a search engine for free photos. Millions of photos are indexed here. Most photos are free to use, under specific licenses. Licenses include a variety of Creative Commons, GNU, public domain, and custom free licenses.
Creative Commons Content Directories - And if all else fails, try this directory. It lists hundreds of directories that has content licensed under a variety of Creative Commons licenses. Types of content include audio, video, text and images. If you can't find what you need here, maybe it's not available. :)
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